Julien, Mallard
Participatory modelling
Based in: France
E-mail: julien.malard@ird.fr
Google Scholar profile: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6636-6935
Julien Malard is a researcher in agroecology and participatory modelling for community management of natural resources. He specialises in system dynamics (SD) modelling, as well as in agroecological food web modelling. He has developped methodologies and tools to facilitate SD modellling in the Global South, including coupling of SD and physically-based models as well as the use of hierarchical Bayesian inference for model calibration in data-poor settings. In the field of agroecology, he has developped software tools that simplify the food web modelling process in order to better understand how human management of agricultural systems affects the stability of the ecosystem services that these provide. His research areas include India (traditional agroecological knowledge ; food web modelling), Guatemala (food secuity and Indigenous agricultural systems ; inclusion of marginalised stakeholders for water resource management in Lake Atitlán ; traditional agroecological knowledge), and Cambodia (interaction between irrigation management and agroecological food webs ; traditional agroecological knowledge), and span several langages (தமிழ், हिंदी, castellano, Kaqchikel, Tz’utujil, K’iche’, ភាសាខ្មែរ).